公告原文  今年以來,需求旺盛、全球港口擁堵、集裝箱有效運(yùn)力嚴(yán)重失衡等等客觀因素導(dǎo)致集裝箱運(yùn)輸即期運(yùn)價(jià)" />   公告原文  今年以來,需求旺盛、全球港口擁堵、集裝箱有效運(yùn)力嚴(yán)重失衡等等客觀因素導(dǎo)致集裝箱運(yùn)輸即期運(yùn)價(jià)"/>

the Group has decided to put any further increases in spot

  This measure is effective immediately from September 9, 2021 and until February 1, 2022.





The Group is prioritizing its long-term relationship with customers in the face of an unprecedented situation in the shipping industry.

  Since the beginning of 2021, container shipping spot freight rates have continued to rise due to port congestion and the major imbalance between demand and maritime container transport effective capacity.


 the Group has decided to put any further increases in spot freight rates on hold for all services operated under its brands (CMA CGM-深圳貨運(yùn)貨代公司

  This decision applies to spot rates and is effective immediately until February 1, 2022.


  Although these market-driven rate increases are expected to continue in the coming months, the Group has decided to put any further increases in spot freight rates on hold for all services operated under its brands (CMA CGM, CNC, Containerships, Mercosul, ANL, APL).

  Through these measures, CMA CGM aims at strengthening its valuable customer relationships and providing support as they navigate today’s difficult supply chain challenges.

  盡管這些市場(chǎng)驅(qū)動(dòng)的運(yùn)價(jià)上漲預(yù)計(jì)將在未來幾個(gè)月繼續(xù),但該團(tuán)體已決定暫停所有以其品牌經(jīng)營的服務(wù)(CMA CGM、CNC、Containerships、Mercosul、ANL、 APL)的現(xiàn)貨運(yùn)價(jià)進(jìn)一步上漲。

  CMA CGM makes the decision to stop all spot rate increases


  CMA CGM is also investing heavily to strengthen its service offering. The Group has increased the capacity of its operated fleet by 11% since December 31, 2019, through the addition of new vessels and the purchase of second-hand vessels. Over the last 15 months, the Group has also increased its container fleet by 780,000 TEUs.


 the Group has decided to put any further increases in spot freight rates on hold for all services operated under its brands (CMA CGM-深圳貨運(yùn)貨代公司

上一篇  因?yàn)槭袌?chǎng)上有許多債券即將到期-北京國際空運(yùn)運(yùn)價(jià)表
下一篇  正是這樣傳統(tǒng)的入會(huì)儀式-深圳空運(yùn)

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