例如: 151 24
151" /> 希臘郵政編碼由5位數(shù)字組成,第三位和第四位數(shù)字之間有個(gè)空格,
例如: 151 24

1、官方公告:請(qǐng)新老客戶注意最近有人冒充是飛時(shí)達(dá)快遞的員工上門去取件,寄件請(qǐng)和公司聯(lián)系確認(rèn)以免上當(dāng)受騙;官方網(wǎng)站:bjfsdex.com ,統(tǒng)一服務(wù)電話:010-57754531_010-56190364 。

2、飛時(shí)達(dá)國際快遞重貨出口價(jià)格: 2折、文件小包裹: 4折-代理UPS快遞、FedEx聯(lián)邦快遞TNT、DHL快遞、EMS國際速遞、郵政航空大包、SAL空運(yùn)、海運(yùn)水陸路,飛時(shí)達(dá)聯(lián)合全國京東、德邦、順豐免費(fèi)上門取件,我們付快遞費(fèi)。

3、本站業(yè)務(wù)搜索詞: 快遞 - 國際快遞 - 國際快遞公司 - 北京國際快遞 - 北京國際快遞公司 - 國際速遞 - DHL - DHL快遞 - DHL國際快遞 - TNT - TNT快遞 - TNT國際快遞 - 聯(lián)邦 - 聯(lián)邦快遞 - FedEx - 北京FedEx - fedex快遞 - fedex國際快遞 - 國際貨運(yùn) - 國際空運(yùn) - 國際快運(yùn) - 飛時(shí)達(dá) - EMS - EMS國際快遞 - 航空大包 - 郵政海運(yùn)水陸路 - 國際快遞代理 - UPS快遞、UPS國際快遞、國際物流、國際海運(yùn)、國際搬家一站式服務(wù)。

國際運(yùn)輸通達(dá)國家: 1、亞太國家/地區(qū)包括:澳大利亞,文萊,柬埔寨,關(guān)島,中國香港特別行政區(qū),印度尼西亞,日本,老撾,中國澳門特別行政區(qū),馬來西亞,蒙古,新西蘭,菲律賓,新加坡,韓國,中國臺(tái)灣,泰國,越南,部分航線除外

2、 歐洲和中東/印度次大陸/非洲國家/地區(qū):阿爾巴尼亞,安道爾,亞美尼亞,奧地利,阿塞拜疆,白俄羅斯,比利時(shí),波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那,保加利亞,克羅地亞,捷克共和國,丹麥,愛沙尼亞,法羅群島,芬蘭,法國,格魯吉亞,德國,直布羅陀,希臘,格陵蘭,匈牙利,冰島,愛爾蘭,以色列,意大利,哈薩克斯坦,吉爾吉斯斯坦,拉脫維亞,列支敦士登,立陶宛,盧森堡,馬其頓,馬耳他,摩爾多瓦,摩納哥,黑山,荷蘭,挪威,巴勒斯坦自治,波蘭,葡萄牙,羅馬尼亞,俄羅斯,塞爾維亞,斯洛伐克共和國,斯洛文尼亞,西班牙,瑞典,瑞士,烏克蘭,英國,烏茲別克斯坦,阿富汗,阿爾及利亞,安哥拉,巴林,貝寧,博茨瓦納,布基納法索,布隆迪,喀麥隆,佛得角,乍得,剛果,剛果民主共和國,塞浦路斯,吉布提,埃及,厄立特里亞,埃塞俄比亞,加蓬,岡比亞,加納,幾內(nèi)亞,印度,伊拉克,象牙海岸,約旦,肯尼亞,科威特,黎巴嫩,萊索托,利比里亞,利比亞,馬達(dá)加斯加,馬拉維,馬里,毛里塔尼亞,毛里求斯,摩洛哥,莫桑比克,納米比亞,尼日爾,尼日利亞,阿曼,卡塔爾,留尼汪,盧旺達(dá),沙特阿拉伯,塞內(nèi)加爾,塞舌爾,南非,斯威士蘭,坦桑尼亞,多哥,突尼斯,土耳其,烏干達(dá),阿拉伯聯(lián)合酋長國,贊比亞,津巴布韋,孟加拉國,不丹,斯里蘭卡,馬爾代夫,尼泊爾,巴基斯坦


4、國際快遞服務(wù)推薦: 飛時(shí)達(dá)快遞_代理國際運(yùn)送_為公司個(gè)人遞送:文件貨物、私人物品行李托運(yùn),國際運(yùn)輸文件包裹空運(yùn)海運(yùn),貨運(yùn)物流。




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例如: 151 24


151 24 MAROUSI
希臘飛時(shí)達(dá)快遞官方網(wǎng)站: http://www.elta-net.gr/
希臘郵編查詢: http://english.elta.gr/pcodes/MegPolSearch.asp

100s: Athens Metropolitan Area
100: Athens
101: Athens
102: Athens
103: Athens
104: Athens, southwestern part and Omonoia Square
105: Athens, near the National Bank of Greece and Kotzia Square, central part
106: Athens, around Panepistemiou Street, eastern part
107: Athens
108: Athens
109: Athens
110: Athens
111: Athens, Galatsi (centre)
112: Athens
113: Athens
114: Athens, northeastern part
115: Athens, Ampelokipoi, Psychiko
116: Athens
117: Athens
118: Athens
119: Athens
120: Athens
121: Athens, Peristeri
122: Athens, Aigaleo
123: Athens, Agia Varvara
124: Athens, Chaidari
125: Athens
126: Athens, Peristeri
131: Ilio
132: Petroupoli
133: Ano Liosia, Fyli
134: Kamatero, Zefyri
135: Agioi Anargyroi
136: Acharnai
141: Heraklio, Lykovrysi
142: Nea Ionia
143: Nea Chalkidona, Nea Filadelfia
144: Metamorfosi
145: Agios Stefanos, Anixi, Dionysos, Drosia, Ekali, Kifissia, Kryoneri Kifissias, Rodopoli
146: Nea Erythraia
151: Maroussi, Pefki
152: Chalandri, Filothei, Nea Penteli, Penteli, Vrilissia
153: Agia Varvara, Anthoussa, Gerakas, Glyka Nera, Palini
154: Agia Paraskevi, Psychiko, Neo Psychiko
155: Cholargos
156: Papagos
157: Zografou, University of Athens
161: Kaisariani
162: Vyronas
163: Ilioupoli
164: Argyroupoli
166: Agios Kosmas, Glyfada, Voula, Vouliagmeni
167: Ellinikon, Vari
171: Nea Smyrni
172: Aigaleo, Dafni, Hymittos
173: Agios Dimitrios
174: Alimos
175: Palaio Faliro
176: Kallithea
177: Tavros
10: Aegina
20: Poros, Troizina
30: Methana
40: Hydra
50: Spetses
181: Korydallos
182: Agios Ioannis Rentis
183: Moschato
184: Nikaia
185: Piraeus
186: Drapetsona
187: Keratsini
188: Perama
189: SALamina and Ampelakia Salaminas
01: Keratea
02: Paeania
03: Kouvaras, Markopoulo Mesogeias
04: Spata-Loutsa
05: Nea Makri
06: Vilia
07: Grammatiko, Marathon
08: Erythres
09: Pikermi, Rafina
10: Kalyvia Thorikos
11: Avlona, Malakasa
12: Neos Peramos, Oinoi, Pyli
13: Anavyssos, Palaia Fokaia
14: Afidnes (Aphidnae), Kapandriti, Polydendri, Varnava
15: Markopoulo Oropou, Oropos, Saronida, Skala Oropou, Sykamino
16: Artemida
17: Kalamos
191: Megara
192: Eleusis
194: Kropia
193: Aspropyrgos
195: Lavreotiki, Agios Konstantinos
196: Magoula, Mandra
197-199: omitted
200s: Peloponnese and the southern Ionian
200: Corinthia except for Alea, Corinth, Loutraki, Sikyonies and Xylokastro
01: Zefgolatio
02: Velo
03: Agioi Theodoroi
04: Solygia
05: Saronikos
06-07: omitted
08: Tenea
09: Evrostyni
10: omitted
11: Assos-Lechaio
12-13: omitted
14: Feneos
15: omitted
16: Stymfalia
17-99: omitted
201: Corinth
202: Sikyonies
203: Loutraki
204: Xylokastro
205: Alea, Nemea
206-209: omitted
00-50: omitted
51: Ermioni
52: Askilipo
53: Nea Kios
54: omitted
55: Midea
56: omitted
57: Achladokampos
58: Lyrkia
59: Epidavros (Epidaurus)
60: Asini
61-99: omitted
211: Nafplio, Nea Tiryntha
212: Argos, Myli, Mycenae
213: Kranidi
214-219: omitted
01: North Kynouria
02: Levidi
03: Lagkadia
04: omitted
05: Mantineia
06: omitted
07: Dimitsaina
08: Tropaia
09: omitted
10: Vytina
11: omitted
12: Tegea
13: omitted
14: Kleitoros
15: Kontovazena
16: Skyritida
17-20: omitted
21: Falaisia
22: Gortynia
23-26: omitted
27: Valtesi
28: Irea
29: Apollonas
221: Tripoli, Greece, Davia, Korynthos
222: Megalopoli
223-229: omitted
01 - 50 not used
51: Skala
52: Molai
53: Via (Vatika), Elafonisos
54: Farida
55: Elos
56: Asopos
57: Krokees
58: Geronthri
59: Pellana
60: Niata
61: Smynos
62: Oitylo
64: Inountas
65 - unknown
66: East Mani
67: Karyes
68: Zarakas
70: Monemvasia
71 - south Mani Peninsula
72 through 99 - not used
231: Sparta, Mystras, Therapni
232: Gytheio
233-239: omitted
01: Chiliochoria, Pylos
02: Ithomi/Ithome, Meligala, Oichalia
03: Aetos
04: Koroni
05: Petalidi
06: Methoni
07: omitted
08: Andania
09: Thouria
10: Epia
11: Dorio
12: Aris
13: Androusa
14: Papaflessa, Voufrades
15: Aristomenis
16: Avia
21: Avionas
22: Lefkro
241: Kalamata
242: Messene
243: Filiatra
244: Gargalianoi
245: Kyparissia
246: Nestoras
247-249: omitted
01: Kalavryta
02: Vrachneika and area
03: Diakopto
04: Paos, Dafni
05: Movri
06: Akrata
07: Lefkasio
08: Chalandritsa, Fares
09: Erinaios
10: Aigeira
15: Erymanthia
16: Aroania
251: Aigion area, Rododafni
252: Kato Achaia, Municipality of Dymi, Alissos, Olenia
261: University of Patras, Patras (downtown), Rio
262: Patras
263: Patras, Paralia
265: Messatida area, Patras, Paralia
266: Patras
270: Varda, Lampeia
50: Arkoudi, Kastro, Thermal Springs of Kyllini, Vartholomio
51: Andravida
52: Vouprasia area, Lappa, Metochi, Larissos
53: Lechaina and the municipality
54: Zacharo
55: Skillounta
56: Figaleia
57: Tragano
58-61: omitted
61: Andritsaina, Ira
62: Alifeira and Dafnoula
63: Lampeia
64: Oleni
65: Olympia
66: Foloi
68: Kastro-Kyllinis, Glyfa
69: Pineia, eastern part of Amaliada
271: Pyrgos and area, westcentral Ileia, Iardanos
272: Amaliada
273: Gastouni and Kalyvia
274-279: omitted
280: Fiskardo, northern and eastern Kefallinia
00-79: omitted
80: Sami, eastern Kefallinia
81: Pylaris, Fiskardo, northern Kefallonia
82: southeastern Kefallinia
83: Leivathos
85: Erisos
86: Poros area
87-99: omitted
281: Argostoli and area, most of southern Kefallinia
282: Lixouri, western Kefallinia
283: Ithaca
284-289: omitted
290: Zakynthos island except for the municipality and Arkadii.
90: Alykes, northern Zante
91: Elati, northwestern Zante
92: Artemisii, Lagana, southern and western Zante
291: Zakynthos/Zante, Arkadii, eastern Zante
292-299: omitted
300s: Central Greece, the Sporades and Lefkada
01: Iniades
02: Anaktorio
03-04: omitted
05: Thespies (Aitoloacarnania)
06: Astakos
07: omitted
08: Thermo
09: Fyties
10: Paravola
11: Arakynthos
12: Kekropia
13: omitted
14: Chalkia
15: Medeonas
16: Menidi
17: Inachio
18: omitted
19: Alyzia
20: omitted
21: Parakampylia
23: Apodotia
24-25: omitted
26: Pyllini
301: Agrinio, Neapoli, Panaitoliko
302: Messolonghi, Antirrio
303: Nafpaktos
304: Aitoliko, Angelokastro
305: Amfilochia
306-309 - omitted
310: Lefkada
80: Karya
81: Kastos island
82: Vasiliki
83: Meganissi
311: Ellomeno, Lefkada
312-319: omitted
320: Viotia
01: Aliartos
02: Thespies (Viotia), Vayia
03: omitted
04: Arachova
05: Distomo
06: omitted
07: Koronia
08: Dervenochori
09: Schimatari
10: Thisvi
11: Oinofyta
321: Livadeia, Cheronia
322: Thebes, Akrefnio, Platees, Tanagra
323: Orchomenos
324-329: omitted
330: Phokida
01-48: not used
50: Desfina
51: Parnassos
52: Galaxidi
53: Lidoriki
54: Delphi
55: not used
56: Efpalio
57: Gravia
58: Tolofona
59-60: not used
61: Vardousia
62: not used
63: Kallii
64-99: not used
331: Amfissa
332: Itea
333-339: not used
340: Euboea
01: Kafireas, Karystos
02: Lilanti
03: Kymi
04: Kirea
05: Elymnies
06: Amarythos
07: Skyros
08: Eretria
09: Avlona
10: Nileas
11: omitted
12: Oraioi
13: Marmari
14: Dyrfios
15: Styra
16: Konistres
17: Dystos
341 - Anthidonas, Avlida, Chalkida
342 - Artemisio, Istiea
343 - Aidipsos, Lichas Evvoias
344 - Messapioi
345 - Taminei
346 - Nea Artaki
347 - 349 - omitted
350: Fthiotis
01 - Malesina
02 - Amfiklia
03 - Sperchiada
04 - Elatia
05 - Opuntioi
06 - Agios Konstantinos
07 - Dafnousia
08 - Kamena Vourla
09 - Molos
10 - Anavra in Magnesia, Domokos, Ypati
11 - Makrakomi
12 - omitted
13 - Pelasgia
15 - Tithorea
16 - Xyniada
17 - Agios Georgios Tymfistos, Tymfistos
351 - Lamia, Gorgopotamos, Lianokladi, Pavlani, Thessaliotida
352 - Atalanti
353 - Stylida, Raches Stylidas
354 - 359 - omitted
360 - Evrytania
00 through 69 - not used
70 - Aspropotamos
71 - Frangista, Viniani
72 - Aperantioi
73 - Agrafa
74 - Prousos
75 - Potamia
76 - Domnitsa
77 through 79 - not used
80 - Fourna, Ktimenioi
361 - Karpenisi
362 through 369 - not used
370 - Magnesia prefecture
00 - never used
01 - Zagora
02 - Skiathos
03 - Skiathos and Skopelos
04 - not used
05 - Alonissos
06 - Argalasti and Lafkos
07 - Pteleos
08 - Sourpi
09 - Trikeri
10 - Afetes and Milea
11 - Makrinitsa and Portaria
12 - Tsangarada
13 through 99 - not used
371 - Almyros
373 - Agria
374 - Nea Anchialos
375 - Feres, Karla
376 through 379 - not used
380 - Volos, downtown, central part
381 - Volos
382 - Volos
383 - Nea Ionia
384 - Nea Ionia, central part
385 - Artemida, Dimini, Iolkos and Keramidi
386 through 399 - not used
400s: Thessaly, Epirus and Corfu including southeastern Grevena
400 - Larissa prefecture, except for the Larissa area and central Larissa
01 - Antichasia
02 - Livadi
03 - Agia, Lakereia, Melivoia
04 - Ampelakia Larissas
05 - Verdikousa
06 - Makrychori, Nessonas
07 - Evrymeni and Kato Olympos
08 - not used
09 - Platykampos
10 through 99 - not used
401 - Tyrnavos, Avdelia, Smixi and Vlachogianni
402 - Elassona, Karya Olympou and Olympos
403 - Farsala, Enipeas, Kato Olympos, Narthaki
404 - Ampelonas
405 through 409 - not used
410 - Larissa
411 - Larissa
412 - Larissa
413 - Larissa
414 - Larissa
415 - suburban Larissa, Armenio, Giannouli, Gonni, Koilada, Kileler, Lakeria, Nikaia
416 through 419 - not used
420 - prefecture of Trikala
01 through 29 - not used
30 - Megala Kalyvia
31 - Farkadona
32 - Athikes, Pyli and Pyndei
33 - Myrofyllo
34 and 35 - not used
36 - Kastania
37 - Neraida, Messochora
38 through 99 - not used
421 - Trikala, Estieotida, Faloria, Gomfi, Kallidendro, Koziakas, Palaiokastro, Paralithis, Pelineioi, Pialia and Aspropotamos
422 - Kalampaka
423 - Oichalia
424 through 429 - not used
430 - Karditsa, except Palamas and Sofades
00 through 59 - not used
60 - Mouzaki and Nevropoli Afragon
61 - Pamisos
62 - Fyllo
63 - Tamasio
64 - Ithomi
65 - Argithea
66 - Acheloos
67 - Plastira
68 - Rentina
69 - Athamanio
70 through 99 - not used
431 - Karditsa, Kallithiro, Kallifoni, Mitropoli
432 - Palamas
433 - Sofades, Kedros and Matarangas Karditsas
434 through 439 - not used
440 - Ioannina prefecture except for the Ioannina area
01 - Pramanta, Kalarites and Matsouki
02 - Delvinaki
03 - Evrymena, Molossi and Zitsa
04 - Ano Kalamas, Kalpaki
05 - not used
06 - Ano Pagoni
07 - Kentriko Zagori
08 - Fourka
09 - Derviziana
10 - Tymfi
11 and 12 - not used
13 - Katsanochoria
14 - Vovousa
15 - Aetomilitsa and Mastorochoria
16 - Papingo
17 and 18 - not used
19 - Palaioseli-Distratou
20 through 99 - not used
441 - Konitsa
442 - Metsovo, Mikro Peristeri and Milea
443 through 449 - not used
450 - Ioannina
451 - Ioannina
452 - Ioannina and Sirako
453 - Ioannina
454 - Ioannina
455 - Agios Dimitrios, Anatoli, Anatoliki Zagori, Bizani, Dodona, Ekali, Ioannina Island, Pamvotida, Pasaronas, Perama, Sella and Tzoumerka
456 through 459 - not used
460 - Thesprotia, excl. Igoumenitsa
00 through 29 - not used
30 - Margariti
31 - Acherontas abd Samonida-Glykis
32 through 99 - not used
461 - Igoumenitsa, Paraoptamos, Perdika and Syvpotes
462 - Paramythia
463 - Filiates and Sagiada
464 through 469 - not used
470 - Arta
01 through 39 - not used
40 - Kompoti
41 - Arachtos
42 - Filothei
43 - Agnanta
44 - Iraklia
45 - Athamania and Theodoriana
46 - not used
47 - Tetrafylia
48 - Georgios Karaiskakis
49 - not used
50 through 99 - not used
471 - Arta, Anvrakikos, Kommeno, Melissourgoi and Vlacherna
472 - Peta
473 through 479 - not used
480 - Preveza, Zallogo
01 through 59 - not used
60 - Parga
61 - Louros
62 - Fanari
63 through 99 - not used
481 - Preveza
482 - Anogio, Ammotopos, Filippiada and Vathypedo
483 - Kranea, Thesprotiko
484 through 489 - not used
490 - Corfu prefecture
00 through 79 - not used
80 - Korissi and Lefkimmi
81 - Esperii, Melitiis
82 - Paxoi
83 - Agios Georgios, Feakes, Palaiokastritsa
84 - Achiliis
95 through 99 - not used
491 - Corfu, Erikoussa, Kassiopi, Mathraki, Othonas, Parelii and Thinalio
492 through 499 - not used
500s: Central, Northwestern, Western and Southern Macedonia excluding southeastern Grevena
500 - Kozani prefecture
01 - Neapoli
02 - Tsotyli
03 - Askio
04 - Aiani or Aiane
05 - Mouriki
06 - Komnina
07 - Arrernes and Pentalofos
08 - not used
09 - Vlasti or Blasti
10 - Elimeia
11 through 99 - not used
501 - Kozani and Koilada
502 - Ptolemaida, Agia Paraskevi and Dimitrios Ypsilantis
503 - Siatista
504 - Velventos
505 - Servia, Kamvounia and Livadero
506 through 509 - not used
510 - small parts of the Grevena area
01 through 29 - not used
30 - Irakliotes
31 - not used
32 - Mesolouri
33 through 99 - not used
511 - Grevena, Chasia, Dotsiko, Filippi, Gorgiani, Kosmas Aitolos, Perivoli, Samarina, Theodoros Ziakas and Ventzio
512 - Deskati
513 through 519 - not used
520 - most of the Kastoria area
01 through 49 - not used
50 - Kastraki
51 - Nestorio
52 - Agioi Anargyroi
53 - Ionas Dragoumis
54 - Kleisoura
55 - Korestia
56 - Makendes
57 - not used
58 - Akrites and Aliakmonas
59 - Vitsi
60 through 69 - not used
521 - Kastoria and Agia Triada
522 - Orestida
523 through 529 - not used
530 - most of the Florina area
01 through 69 - not used
70 - Filotas
71 - Meliti
72 - not used
73 - Lechovo
74 - not used
75 - Aetos
76 - not used
77 - Krystallopigi and Prespes
78 - Nymfaio
79 through 99 - not used
531 - Florina, Kato Klines and Perasma
532 - Amyntaio
533 through 539 - not used
540 - Thessaloniki
541 - Thessaloniki
542 - Thessaloniki
543 - Thessaloniki
544 - Thessaloniki
545 - Thessaloniki, Kallithea Mygdonia
546 - Thessaloniki
547 - Thessaloniki
548 - Thessaloniki
549 - Thessaloniki
550 - Thessaloniki
551 - Thessaloniki, Kalamaria
552 - Thessaloniki, Panorama and Pylea
553 - Thessaloniki, Triandria
554 - Thessaloniki, Agios Pavlos
555 - Thessaloniki, eastern part
556 - Thessaloniki, eastern part
557 - Thessaloniki, eastern part
558 - Thessaloniki
559 - Thessaloniki
560 - Thessaloniki, northern part
561 - Ampelokipoi, Menemeni
562 - Eleftherios-Kordeli, Evosmos and Neapoli
563 - Thessaloniki
564 - Efkarpia and Stavroupoli
565 - Polychni
566 - Sykies
567 - Thessaloniki area
568 - Thessaloniki area
569 - Thessaloniki
570 - Thessaloniki prefecture except for the Thessaloniki Metropolitan Area
01 - Thermis and Pikrolimni
02 - not used
03 - Agios Athanasios
04 - Michaniona
05 - Sochos
06 - Vasilika
07 - Chalkidona
08 - Echedoro
09 - not used
10 - Chortiati, Pefka and Rentina Thessalonikis
11 - not used
12 - Kallindi and Koronia
13 - Oraiokastro
14 - Lachana, Madytos
15 - Apollonia
16 through 18 - not used
19 - Thermaikos
20 - not used
21 - Asprovalta
22 through 99 - not used
571 - Thermi, Koufalia
572 - Lagkada, Assiros and Vertiskos
573 - Chalastra, Kymira and Profiti
574 - not used
575 - Mikra
576 through 579 - not used
580 - Pella Prefecture
01 - not used
02 - Arnissa, Panagitsa
03 - not used
04 - Exaplatanos
05 - Pella
06 through 99 - not used
581 - Giannitsa and Kyrros
582 - Edessa
583 - Megas Alexandros nad Krya Vrysi
584 - Aridaia
585 - Skydra abd Meniida
586 through 589 - not used
590 - Imathia prefecture
01 through 30 - not used
31 - Meliki and Vergina
32 - Platy
33 - Apostolos Pavlos
34 - Eirinoupoli
35 - Anthemia
36 through 99 - not used
591 - Veria (Verroia), Kavasila Imathias, Dovras and Makedonida
592 - Naoussa
593 - Alexandria
594 through 599 - not used
600s: Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern Macedonia and Thrace
600 - Pieria area
01 through 60 - not used
61 - Kolindros
62 - Korinos
63 - Anatolikos Olympos
64 - Pydna
65 - not used
66 - Methoni
67 through 99 - not used
601 - Kallithea, Katerini, Konatariotissa, Paralia, Petra and Pieries
602 - Litochoro
603 - Aiginio
610 - Kilkis Prefecture
01 - not used
02 - Cherso and Evropos
03 - northern part including Doirani and Mouries
04 through 99 - not used
611 - Kilkis, Gallikos and Krousi
612 - Polykastro
613 - Goumenissa
614 - Axioupoli and Livadia
615 through 619 - not used
620 - Serres prefecture
01 through 40 - not used
41 - Amfipooli and Rodolivos
42 - Nea Zichni
43 - Petritsi
44 - not used
45 - Alistrati
46 - Emmanouil Pappas
47 - Kormista and Proti
48 - not used
49 - Traglio
50 and 51 - not used
52 - Kerkini
53 - not used
54 - Strymoniko
55 through 99 - not used
621 - Serres, Ano Vrontades, Kapetan Mitrousi, Lefkona, Oreini, Skotoussa, Skoutari and Stromona
622 - Nigrita, Sitochori and Visaltia
623 - Sidirokastro, Achladochori Sidirokastrou, Angistro and Promachona
624 - Heraklia
625 through 629 - not used
630 - Chalkidiki prefecture except Polygyros and Nea Moudania
01 through 70 - not used
71 - Ormylia
72 - Toroni
73 - Anthemounta
74 - Zervochoria
75 - Stagira-Akanthos
76 - Panagia
77 - Kassandreia
78 - Agios Dimitrios
79 - Triglia
80 - Nea Kallikrateia
81 - Nea Marmara
82 through 84 - not used
85 - Pallini
86 and 87 - not used
88 - Sithonia
89 through 99 - not used
631 - Polygyros
632 - Nea Moudania including Potidaea
633 through 639 - not used
640 - Kavala prefecture
01 - Pangaio
02 - not used
03 - Filippi
04 - Thasos
05 and 06 - not used
07 - Eleftheres
08 - Orfani and Pieris
09 - Oreini
10 - Thasos
11 - Keramoti
641 - Eleftheroupoli
642 - Chrysoupoli
643 through 649 - not used
650 - Kavala
651 - Kavala
652 - Kavala
653 - Kavala
654 - Kavala (centre)
655 - Kavala
656 through 659 - not used
660 - Drama prefecture
00 through 30 - not used
31 - Kalampaki
32 - Paranesti
33 - Kato Nevrokopi
34 - Sitagiri
35 - not used
37 - Nikiforos
38 - Sidironeri
39 through 99 - not used
661 - Drama
662 - Prostotsani
663 - Doxato
664 through 669 - not used
670 - Xanthi
00 through 60 - not used
61 - Avrira
62 - Stavroupoli
63 - not used
64 - Vistonida
65 through 69 - not used
671 - Xanthi, Myki and Selero
672 - Topiros
673 - Kotyli, Satres and Thermes
674 through 679 - not used
680 - Evros Prefecture
01 - Samothrace or Samothraki
02 - not used
03 - Tychero
04 - Orfeas
05 - Kyprinos
06 - not used
07 - Trigono
08 and 09 - not used
10 - Metaxades
681 - Alexandroupoli
682 - Orestiada
683 - Didymoteicho
684 - Soufli
685 - Feres
686 through 690 - not used
691 - Komotini, Aigiros, Fylira and Neo Sidirochori
692 - Iasmos, Amaxades and Sostis
693 - Sapes, Kechro and Ariana
694 - Maroneia
695 - Organi
696 through 699 - not used
700s: Crete
700-720: Heraklio
06 - Kastelli
701 - Acharnes Irakliou
702 - Heraklio
703 - Heraklio
704 - Heraklio
705 - Heraklio
706 - Heraklio
707 - Heraklio
708 - Heraklio
709 - Heraklio
710 - Heraklio
711 - Heraklio
712 - Heraklio
713 - Heraklio
714 - Heraklio
715 - Heraklio
716 - Heraklio
717 - Heraklio
718 - Heraklio
719 - Heraklio
720 - Heraklio
721 - Agios Nikolaos
730 - Chania prefecture
01 - Gavdos and Pelakanos
02 - Voukoulies
03 - not used
04 - Kantanos and Platanias
05 - Mousouri
06 - Fres and Kolymvari
07 - Georgioupolis and Kryonerida
08 - Armeni and Vamos
09 - Anatolikos Selinos
10 - not used
11 - Sfakia
12 - not used
13 - Oinachori
14 through 99 - not used
731 - Chania, Akrotiri, Keramioi, Nea Kydonia, Platanias and Therissos
732 - Souda
733 - Eleftherios Venizelos
734 - Kissamos
735 through 739 - not used
740 - Rethymno prefecture except for Asi Gonias
55 - Asi Gonias
741 - Rethymno/Rethymnon
800s: Kythira and The Aegean
801 - Kythera, Antikythera
810 - not used
811 - Lesbos island except Atsiki and Eressos-Antissi
00 - Mytilene
01 - Agiassos
02 - Agia Paraskevi
03 - not used
04 - Mantamados
05 - Evergetoulas
06 - Gera
07 - Kalloni
08 - not used
09 - Petra
10 through 99 - not used
812 - Plomari
813 - Polychnos
814 - Lemnos island including Atsiki and Eressos-Antissi
00 - Myrina and Nea Koutali
01 - Atsiki, Eressos-Antissi and Moundros
815 - Agios Evstratios
816 through 820 - not used
821 - Chios island
00 - Chios, Agias Mimas, Ionia and Kampochora
01 - not used
02 - Masticochora
03 - Amani and Oinousses
04 - Psara
05 through 99 - not used
822 - Vrontados
823 through 830 - not used
831 - Samos islands
00 - Vathy or Samos
01 - not used
02 - Marathokampos
03 - Pythagoreio
832 - Karlovassi
833 - Icaria
00 - Agios Kyrikos
01 - Fournos Korseon and Raches
02 - Evdilos
840 - Cyclades
01 - Ios
02 - Kea and Serifos
03 - Sifnos
04 - Kimolos
05 - Livadi
06 - Kynthos, Mykonos
08 - Amorgos
09 through 99 - not used
841 - Syros island including Ermoupoli, Ano Syros and Episkopi Posidonias
842 - Tinos island including Exomvourga
843 - most of Naxos island, Donoussa island
02 - Chalkio
03 through 99 - not used
844 - Paros
845 - Andros
01 - Idroussa
02 - Korthio
03 through 99 - not used
846 - Mykonos
847 - Santorini island including Thira
848 - Milos
840 - not used
01 - Leipsoi
02 - Tilos
851: Rhodes City
01 - Agathonissi and Ialyssos
02 - Archangelos
03 - Afandou
04 - Petaloudes
05 - Kallithea
06 - Kameiros
07 - Lindos
08 - not used
09 - Attavyros and Notia Rodos
10 - Chalki
11 - Megisti
852 - Kalymnos
853 - Dikaio and Kos
02 - Iraklidis
03 - Nisyros
854 - Leros
855 - Patmos
856 - Symi
857 - Kassos and Olympos Karpathou
858 - Karpathos
859 - Astypalaia
860 through 899 - not used
The 900s are omitted.

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