

2023年06月22日 作者:國際快遞-飛時達


  海關檢查類型 #1:VACIS/NII查驗

  車輛和貨物檢查系統(tǒng) (VACIS) 或非侵入式查驗 (NII) 是您將遇到的最典型的查驗。盡管有花哨的首字母縮略詞,但過程非常簡單:對您的集裝箱進行 X 光檢查,以便美國海關人員有機會尋找與所提供文件不符的違禁品或貨物。The Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System (VACIS) or Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) is the most typical inspection you’ll encounter. Despite the fancy acronyms, the process is quite simple: Your container is X-rayed to give U.S Customs agents a chance to look for contraband itEMS or cargo that doesn’t match the paperwork provided.


  由于這種查驗相對不顯眼,因此通常成本較低且耗時較少。?查驗費用約為300美元。但是,您也可能需要支付往返查驗地點的運輸費用,也稱為拖運費用。需要多長時間取決于港口的交通量和隊列的長度,但您通常會查看 2-3 天。Because this inspection is relatively unobtrusive, it’s generally less costly and time-consuming.?The inspection costs around $300. However, you may also be charged for transportation to and from the inspection site, also known as drayage. How long it takes depends on the amount of traffic in the port and the length of the queue, but you’re generally looking at 2-3 days.

  如果 VACIS/NII 查驗沒有產生任何令人驚訝的結果,您的貨柜將被釋放并在途中發(fā)送。但是,如果查驗引起懷疑,您的貨件將升級為隨后的兩項更徹底的查驗之一。If the VACIS/NII exam doesn’t yield anything surprising, your container will be released and sent on its way. However, if the exam raises suspicion, your shipment will be escalated to one of the two more thorough exams that follow.

  海關檢查 #2:Tail Gate Exam尾門查驗

  在 VACIS/NII 檢查中,您容器上的密封保持完好。然而,尾門查驗代表了調查的下一步。在這種類型的檢查中,CBP官員將打開您的集裝箱密封并窺視其中的一些貨物。In a VACIS/NII exam, the seal on your container stays intact. However, a Tail Gate Exam represents the next step of the investigation. In this type of exam, a CBP officer will break the seal of your container and take a peek inside some of the shipments.

  因為這個查驗比掃描要激烈一些,所以可能需要 5-6 天,具體取決于端口流量。成本可能高達 350 美元,而且,如果必須將貨物移動進行查驗,您將支付任何運輸費用。Because this exam is a little more intense than a scan, it may take 5-6 days, depending on port traffic. Costs can be up to $350, and, again, if the shipment has to be moved for inspection, you’ll pay any transportation costs.

  如果一切正常,容器可能會被釋放。但是,如果事情看起來不正確,您的貨件可能會升級到第三類查驗。If everything looks in order, the container may be released. However, if things don’t look right, your shipment may get upgraded to the third type of inspection.

  海關檢查 #3:Intensive Customs Exam密集的海關查驗

  買家和賣家經常害怕這種特殊類型的查驗,因為它可能導致延遲一周到 30 天不等,具體取決于查驗隊列中還有多少其他貨物。Buyers and sellers often dread this particular type of examination, because it can result in delays that range from a week to 30 days, depending on how many other shipments are in the inspection queue.

  對于本次查驗,您的貨物將被運送到海關檢查站 (CES),并且,是的,您將支付將貨物運送到 CES 的拖運費用。在那里,貨物將由 CBP 進行徹底檢查。For this exam, your shipment will be transported to a Customs Examination Station (CES), and, yes, you’ll pay the drayage costs for moving your goods to the CES. There, the shipment will be thoroughly inspected by CBP.

  正如您可能猜到的那樣,這種檢查將是三種檢查中成本最高的。您需要支付卸貨和重新裝載貨物的人工費用,以及為使您的集裝箱保持比預期更長的時間而產生的滯留費用——甚至更多。在一天結束時,這種類型的查驗可能會花費你幾千美元.As you can probably guess, this type of inspection will be the most costly of the three.?You’ll be charged for the labor to unload and reload the shipment, as well as detention costs for keeping your container longer than expected—and more. At the end of the day, this type of exam can cost you a couple of thousand dollars.

  最后,CBP 和 CES 的員工均不對檢查期間造成的任何損壞負責。?Finally, neither CBP nor the employees of the CES are responsible for any damage done during an inspection。

  他們也不會像最初展示的那樣小心地重新包裝容器。因此,經過密集海關檢查的貨物抵達時可能會受損。這就是為什么確保對運輸或檢查相關的損害有足夠的保障對您來說很重要。They will also not repack the container with the same care it was originally shown. As a result, shipments subject to intensive customs exams may arrive damaged.



  正如我們所提到的,每種類型的海關查驗都會產生費用。盡管 CBP 是要求進行這些查驗的組織,但根據(jù)聯(lián)邦法律,進口商必須支付相關費用。對于出口,請參閱您的合同以確定誰負責付款,買方或賣方。As we mentioned, every type of customs exam will result in fees. Even though CBP is the organization that requests these inspections, under federal law, the importer is required to pay the associated fees. For exports, refer to your contract to determine who’s responsible for payment, the buyer or the seller.

  最終,這些費用不是由 CBP 直接收取的。相反,您將支付以下費用:Ultimately, these fees are not directly charged by CBP. Instead, you’ll be paying fees to:

  集中檢查站 (CES)是 CBP 用來檢查貨物的私人設施。CES 的工作人員將負責您的查驗后勤工作,例如裝卸您的貨物,而您將為此服務付費。他們還可能會向您收取將您的貨物存放在其倉庫中的倉儲費。The Centralized Examination Station (CES), which is a private facility that CBP uses to inspect shipments. The staff at the CES will take care of the logistics of your inspection, such as loading and unloading your shipments, and you’ll pay for that service. They may also charge you storage fees for holding your shipment in their warehouse.

  ?運送您的貨物進出 CES的運輸公司。您會在發(fā)票上看到這些作為拖運費用。The transportation company?who moves your shipment to and from the CES. You’ll see these on your invoice as drayage charges.


  您的運輸公司可能會向您收取滯留費和滯期費等費用,因為您使用他們的集裝箱的時間比預期的要長。如果需要,他們還可能會根據(jù)您的具體情況收取倉儲費.Your shipping company, who may charge you for things like detention and demurrage because you’re using their container for longer than expected. If needed, they may also charge storage fees, depending on your particular situation.


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